Avion BPO Corporation, with its directors, Von Ryan V. Nagasangan, Joy V. Nagasangan, and Norman V. Nagasangan, launched a bayanihan inititative, dubbed as Eskwela Drive, to help support the adaptive education implementation in the Ilocos Norte despite the public health situation brought by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Eskwela Drive aims to raise material resources to help teachers and students to adapt to new modes of blended learning during this pandemic. The company has turned over materials for module production i.e., papers and inks to various schools in the province. This helps ensures that the learning delivery modalities are effectively implemented and education remains accessible to all.
This project is a true testament of Avion’s commitment to give back to the community. It has extended and strengthened its support to our local educational systems to ensure that quality education continues despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.